2024 Church Appeal
Please support the Langham family
Langham's impact is increasing around the world but we need your help to magnify God's plan through our programmes.

Only £50,000 away from our £6.2m target!
Langham Partnership's Magnify Appeal
Back in 2018, we set an ambitious target of £6.2m in the UK and Ireland to help double Langham’s impact through its programmes of Literature, Scholars and Preaching. With people such as Bayar.
You can watch and share with your church what Bayar is doing in Mongolia with the video below. Bayar - one Langham scholar, there are another 325 scholars like him around the globe.
It is truly amazing, with all prayer, praise and glory going to God, that there is £300,000 left of the £6.2m target to raise, with a donor willing to match fund £150,000. Of the £150,000 to raise, we have recently received £100,000 – again with all prayer, praise and honour going to God for these generous gifts!
This is your church's invitation to help raise this final £50,000.
Alongside Bayer’s video that you can use in your services, also please download a newsletter article to share and our Magnify brochure to show how your support would be used.
Langham would love to come and speak at your church on a Sunday or a mid-week group. Why not take up our invitation? Please contact me directly to arrange a date and time.
Thank you for your support in action, your prayers and giving, and thank you for being part of this ministry we share together. You can learn more about partnering your church with Langham Partnership here. If you would like to donate to Langham, please use the form below.

With Christian greetings,

Simon Foulds, Supporter Development Manager
Langham Partnership UK and Ireland

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We truly value your support and your ongoing prayers. Thank you.
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