Ministry Continues in Disrupted Communities

When you equip a Langham Scholar with the platform of a PhD in Bible and theology, their impact extends beyond the walls of seminaries and churches. These transformational leaders bring God’s Word to bear on the hurting world around them, and they train and multiply other disciples who do the same. Because of your generosity,…

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Equipped to Multiply Disciples in Latin America

Langham is grateful for your generous partnership—and we celebrate the ways God is using your gifts and prayers to draw His people toward Jesus around the world! Together, and by His grace, we are seeing transformational leaders like Juan José Barreda Toscano equipped with a PhD and now multiplying disciples in their nations.   Juan…

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In His Own Words: Conrad Mbewe

How a pastor in search of biblical books in the right context finds “a rich vein of gold” Conrad Mbewe knows from personal experience that these words by John Stott are true: “Good preaching is impossible without study, and study is impossible without good books.” Although today Conrad is a theological leader in his native…

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