We thought that in the midst of lockdown and perhaps, for you, uncertain and maybe even fearful times, you might like to hear from some of our Langham people around the world. These people are living through very difficult and traumatic times and yet their faith shines through. Isn’t this so encouraging to us? Langham is asking for your help to offer them encouragement by increasing support at such a critical time.
Greetings from Ghana (Femi Adeleya, Langham Scholar and Preaching Director, Africa):
This is the day the Lord has made and, as difficult as it may be, we shall rejoice in it, fully assured that our God is alive and still in charge of His world!
Words of encouragement but also words that challenge . . .
From a Langham Scholar in a sensitive region:
Often we think that God’s love will bring us blessings, healing, and prosperity. In the Bible, God often talks about different aspects of love: punishment, suffering and even death. Soon after His triumphant entry, Jesus will die on the cross. The cross in that time is a symbol of death, but through the cross we will have eternal life. The cross is also a symbol of human suffering, but through the cross we will be free from all pain, sickness and suffering. The cross is a symbol of enmity and hatred, but through the cross we are reconciled and loved by God.
Jesus: Yesterday, today and tomorrow

Across Africa, Latin America and Asia, the prosperity gospel and other false teaching damages churches, families and communities. Many pastors and leaders have little if any biblical training and support, but Langham is actively working to change that. Our vision remains intact: to see churches in the Majority World equipped for mission and growing to maturity in Christ through the ministry of pastors and leaders who believe, teach and live by the Word of God.
Langham works to give Majority World Christians a voice that can speak God’s Word into their own cultures. “Anybody who is sponsoring a Langham Scholar should see that they are training somebody who is going to impact not just a community, but a nation.” Langham Scholar Sunday Agang, Nigeria. Your continued support of Langham’s work is making a difference. Lives, communities and yes, even nations, are being influenced and changed by God through our three Programmes, Scholars, Literature and Preaching. Are you in a position to help grow support for this vital work, both financially and in prayer at this critical time?
One more voice, from Bernardo Cho, Langham Scholar; Professor and Senior Pastor in Brazil: Thankfully, the same Jesus of yesterday and today remains on the throne and will be with us tomorrow. . . Despite all the challenges, we have a clear sense that God is renewing our trust in His goodness, by teaching us wholly to rely on Him . . . More than ever, we will need to learn to be a true Christian community, discerning how to live out our calling as disciples of Jesus in fresh ways.
Continuing together in God’s service and praying for His blessing on your life,

John Libby
National Director Langham Partnership UKI