When you equip a Langham Scholar with the platform of a PhD in Bible and theology, their impact extends beyond the walls of seminaries and churches. These transformational leaders bring God’s Word to bear on the hurting world around them, and they train and multiply other disciples who do the same.
Because of your generosity, we give thanks that in the midst of a global pandemic, there are 300+ Langham Scholars equipped to share the love of Christ across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.
*Hazeem is one of these leaders.
“As followers of Christ, I believe we should share His love.”
With support from Langham and you, Hazeem received his PhD and returned home to a sensitive South Asian country prepared for a lifetime of ministry. Today, in a community where Christians live at the margins and often face persecution, Hazeem leads a seminary that trains thousands of future pastors and ministers of the Gospel. These leaders go on to plant churches, start outreaches, author biblical resources, and meet the physical and spiritual needs of those around them–even those who might persecute them.
In this already impoverished region, COVID-19 has impacted hundreds of thousands. And government-imposed lockdowns are disastrous for vulnerable day laborers who depend on daily earnings to feed their families. Hazeem listened to their cries for help, and he was prepared to respond.
He shares, “Many are struggling to afford their basic necessities. As followers of Christ, I believe we should share His love by helping the deprived ones, without discrimination, in this time of crisis.”

When the pandemic temporarily closed the seminary Hazeem leads, he mobilised his team to launch an outreach delivering care packages filled with food staples to the most vulnerable. So far, they have helped over 2,500 families. Among them is *Saima, whose eyes filled with tears as she shared how she and her husband struggled to feed their three children after his factory shut down. She said, “We kept praying and had strong belief that God will definitely answer our prayers. Now God has answered us through [Hazeem and the seminary]. We are thankful to God!”

Over the coming weeks and months, Hazeem hopes to provide these life-saving care packages to even more families—especially those living in rural villages. Please join us in praying that God would keep his team safe as they spread across the country to help the needy and show Christ’s love to the suffering.
You are multiplying godly leaders around the world!
On behalf of the global church, thank you for your continued prayers and support. Because of you, Langham’s work training pastors and leaders around the world is not stopping. In fact, your generosity has made it possible for a new group of 23 emerging leaders—future Hazeems—to begin theological studies across Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. These godly men and women, once equipped, will go on to train and multiply even more disciples who love and serve like Jesus. We are grateful!
*All names have been changed to protect those serving in sensitive regions.