‘What God is doing through Langham Literature is staggering…’

Only four years ago, Langham held 850 preaching clubs and supported 69 scholars. Now in 2022, we’re holding 1143 preaching clubs and supporting 85 scholars. God’s work and Kingdom is growing through the ministry of Langham, with your support in gifts and prayers. Then there is Langham Literature…Last week Pieter Kwant was on our monthly Langham Live Zoom call, as he comes to retire from his role as Langham Literature Director at the end of the year. Pieter’s involvement goes back over 20 years with Langham, not just four years.


Only possible with God

But the stories, figures, plans, and books to be released over the coming months and years that Pieter shared are staggering – all only possible with God. Humanly, it’s definitely impossible!

One-volume Bible commentaries are reaching almost every corner of the globe; we’re supplying books to 700 colleges across 79 countries; and if that doesn’t blow your mind, how about supporting 23 indigenous publishers in 20 countries? That’s an increase of 8 publishers in just four years.

Please watch the edited video of Pieter speaking. On the call, he talked about sensitive countries. Please do join us live for future calls, to hear the full conversations. It was a great time to sit back and be joyful and thankful for what God is doing here on earth.Read and pray for Pieter Kwant’s prayer requests (edited).By Simon Foulds, Supporter Development Manager, LPUKI