Watch an online thanksgiving service for the life of Timothy Dudley-Smith here.
Dear Friends of Langham
It is my sad duty to make you aware that Timothy Dudley-Smith, longstanding friend and biographer of John Stott, and encouraging and generous supporter of the Langham Partnership, died at home in Cambridge early yesterday aged 97. Although mobility proved a challenge for the last few years, Bishop Timothy still greatly enjoyed the opportunity to speak to members of our LPIC, UKI and USA Boards at Ridley Hall in April 2022 as part of our delayed centenary celebrations of John Stott’s birth. What Bishop Timothy said then was very special for him and proved very special to all present.
More extensive appreciations of his life and ministry will appear in the Christian press but it is very appropriate that we acknowledge with great thanks his investing in Langham. As well as personal and prayerful support Bishop Timothy kindly covenanted his book and hymn royalties to Langham and was pleased to write the following fulsome endorsement of our Magnify campaign:
All who owe, as I do, an immense debt of thankfulness to God for John Stott’s life and ministry will rejoice that through Langham the various ‘legacies’ of his global work for the gospel continue and thrive. It is my privilege through prayer and finances to play a part in helping Langham bring Christ to our needy world.”
The Rt Revd Timothy Dudley-Smith
Daily and globally we pray that Langham might indeed play its part and rise to Bishop Timothy’s Charge.
‘Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labour, for their deeds will follow them.”’ (Revelation 14 v13)
Our thoughts and prayers are for his family and many friends at this special time.
With Christian greetings
John Libby
Langham Partnership UK & Ireland National Director

In celebration of the life of Bishop Timothy, listen to the special two-part podcast in which he and Mark Meynell discuss the life and influence of Langham’s founder, and Bishop Timothy’s close friend, John Stott.