First Japanese Langham Scholar returns to preach and teach

In October the first Langham Scholar from Japan, Kei Hiramatsu, graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary, US. Kei and his young family have now returned to Japan, where Kei is teaching at Central Bible College in Tokyo. He’s also pastoring a local church. Although a developed, wealthy country, Japan has very few Christians and even fewer…

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Scholar brings biblical truth to Papua New Guinea

        “Instead of allowing our beliefs to influence scripture, we need to allow scripture to influence our beliefs,” emphasises Langham Scholar George Mombi, from Papua New Guinea (PNG). George has been working on his PhD since 2015 at Otago University, New Zealand. He’s recently returned to PNG to continue teaching at the…

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Consecrated on a football pitch

Not every football pitch gets a crowd of 10,000 spectators. Nor does every bishop have 10,000 people singing at their consecration. But that was the scene on a Sunday in August last year, in the bustling town of Lira in central Uganda, when Langham Scholar Reverend Canon Doctor Alfred Olwa was consecrated as the new…

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