Every church deserves a well-equipped pastor

80% of pastors in the Majority World lack any formal training. We equip pastors around the world to preach God's Word because this is how God changes lives and communities.

Transforming communities with deeper discipleship

Our work is focused on where the context of the church is characterised by poverty, pressure, and potential. We help local churches become deeply rooted in God's Word so they can provide biblical solutions that address local issues.


We nurture indigenous pastor training so church leaders can faithfully preach God's Word.


We equip theological leaders to oversee training efforts in their countries.


We produce resources by local leaders to help pastors better understand the Bible.


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Latest News

Langham Publishing Christmas Sale

9 November 2023

Langham’s publishing website is currently having a Christmas Sale with a 40% discount on all books! The sale ends on 12th November 2023 so visit langhamliterature.org to avail of this offer. Books entertain us, challenge us, inspire us, and most of all have the power to transform us.As Christians, we are together part of a…

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The Growing Preaching Movement in Cambodia

6 November 2023

“Churches live, grow and flourish by the Word of God, and they languish and die without it…whenever the Word of God is faithfully expounded and applied, congregations grow in both size and depth.” John Stott Each month, Langham Preaching seminars are run around the world, equipping God’s people to better read, interpret and teach the…

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Celebration Snapshot 2022-2023

24 October 2023

This year’s Celebration Snapshot report is now available to view online. Highlighting major milestones and facts and figures, this annual publication offers an insight into Langham’s global ministry. Langham Preaching Highlights ■ Held 360 in-person and virtual preaching training seminars in 81 countries. There are 108 Langham Preaching Movements in 92 countries around the world.■…

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