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Latest News

Resurrection Church Beirut – Situation Report

1 May 2020

Hikmat Kashouh is Senior pastor of Resurrection Church, Beirut. He is also a graduated Langham Scholar and Author. The following article is taken from Langham Publishing blog: www.langhamliterature.org/blog What is the situation with us at the moment? A situation report is often used in military operations and uses non-emotional language with simple facts. Let me…

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A reflection from Uganda

16 April 2020

Emmanuel Mukeshimana, Langham Scholar, Rwanda/UgandaMarch 2020 I am now speechless, I do not know how to begin with my reflection, but in times like this, it is where we see God at work. This last Sunday was the first day of family service due to the ban of public gathering. Our service went on very…

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Rick & Kayleen Manton

First Langham Preaching event for Indigenous Australian pastors

16 April 2020

On 30 September 2019, a very special Langham Preaching training commenced in Cootamundra, NSW. This was the first ever Langham Preaching seminar held in Australia with Australian Indigenous pastors. Aboriginal pastor Rick Manton who ministers in Western Sydney, attended Level One Langham training at the Christian Leaders Training College in the Papua New Guinea Highlands…

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