Every church deserves a well-equipped pastor

80% of pastors in the Majority World lack any formal training. We equip pastors around the world to preach God's Word because this is how God changes lives and communities.

Transforming communities with deeper discipleship

Our work is focused on where the context of the church is characterised by poverty, pressure, and potential. We help local churches become deeply rooted in God's Word so they can provide biblical solutions that address local issues.


We nurture indigenous pastor training so church leaders can faithfully preach God's Word.


We equip theological leaders to oversee training efforts in their countries.


We produce resources by local leaders to help pastors better understand the Bible.


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Latest News

‘Theological education in Africa will be renewed because of Langham’

20 May 2019

Last month, Kenyan Langham Scholar Rev Dr David Tarus was appointed as the new Executive Director of the Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA). He began his PhD at McMaster Divinity College, Canada, in 2013, graduating in 2017. Since David returned to Kenya, with his wife Jeane and children, he has pastored and taught…

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Athena Gorospe

From the margins, for the margins

10 May 2019

Fifteen years ago, Langham Scholar Athena Gorospe gave a devotional in which she called her audience – wealthy American Christians – to be downwardly mobile. That morning in Pasadena, she argued that they should recover “Jesus’s concern for the marginalised, the invisible people.” Athena has dedicated herself to this plea – and to practicing what…

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“He who knows how to cry…” – Reflections on the Sri Lanka attacks

3 May 2019

Because Langham is called to serve in places where God’s people are under pressure and in poverty, our leaders and volunteers often find themselves living and serving in places of danger. Sri Lanka is one of these places, and we continue to grieve the hard news of suicide bombers blowing through 3 churches and several hotels,…

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