Every church deserves a well-equipped pastor

80% of pastors in the Majority World lack any formal training. We equip pastors around the world to preach God's Word because this is how God changes lives and communities.

Transforming communities with deeper discipleship

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We nurture indigenous pastor training so church leaders can faithfully preach God's Word.


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We produce resources by local leaders to help pastors better understand the Bible.


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Latest News

Let’s get really radical

22 March 2019

This is a recent blog post from Langham Preaching Director Paul Windsor. The generation that came after me tends to impress me more than the babyboomer one that went before me. Speaking very generally, and yet observing it repeatedly, their hearts seem to be turned towards the world more radically. For me it started when we hosted…

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From poverty to preaching in Indonesia

18 March 2019

Dr Dwi Maria Handayani is the Associate Director for Langham Preaching in Asia. It was through being a World Vision sponsored child in a poor Indonesian village that she grew in her faith. Her parents were the first generation in the whole family to be Christians. Dwi is a graduated Langham Scholar, gaining her PhD…

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Finding God’s grace when you lose everything…

18 March 2019

Taras N. Dyatlik, project manager of the Slavic Bible Commentary (SBC), shares how the recent war in Ukraine impacted this resource. Writers on both sides of the conflict had to work together. They showed how the Bible speaks to people who have lost family, property, businesses. Taras says the commentary is a “monument to God’s…

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