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Latest News

Author Spotlight – Imad Shehadeh

5 February 2019

Imad Shehadeh is the author of Langham Global Library title ‘God With Us and Without Us, Volume 1′. He is a Palestinian Christian with a doctorate from Dallas Theological Seminary, Texas, USA. After completing his studies in Dallas he returned to Jordan where he founded the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary in 1991, where Dr Shehadeh is…

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‘Stay at Tyndale House motivates and inspires’

28 January 2019

Langham Scholar Sofanit Abebe, from Ethiopia, is currently studying for a PhD at Edinburgh University. In October last year, she spent three weeks at Tyndale House in Cambridge, making use of Langham’s permanent study room there. During her stay, Sofanit focussed on writing and researching for a new chapter in her dissertation. She is looking at a…

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‘CEEBC speaks into conflicts in our region’

28 January 2019

Central Eastern European Bible Commentary (CEEBC) editor Marcel Măcelaru says his work on 1 & 2 Samuel is relevant to Balkan conflicts. The CEEBC coordinator, Katharina Penner, reflects on Marcel’s work. She says the Bible speaks into the conflicts faced by Central Eastern European believers today: “Marcel Valentin Măcelaru is Romanian but also has Croatian citizenship.…

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