Every church deserves a well-equipped pastor

80% of pastors in the Majority World lack any formal training. We equip pastors around the world to preach God's Word because this is how God changes lives and communities.

Transforming communities with deeper discipleship

Our work is focused on where the context of the church is characterised by poverty, pressure, and potential. We help local churches become deeply rooted in God's Word so they can provide biblical solutions that address local issues.


We nurture indigenous pastor training so church leaders can faithfully preach God's Word.


We equip theological leaders to oversee training efforts in their countries.


We produce resources by local leaders to help pastors better understand the Bible.


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Latest News

Chris Wright’s latest Word on the World

21 December 2018

Langham Partnership’s International Ministries Director Chris Wright seeks a biblical response to current challenging events. This first appeared in the Autumn 2018 edition of LPUKI’s Transform magazine.  When bad things happen   Sometimes events in the news have an uncanny resemblance to things in the Bible – sometimes very tragically so. When that road bridge…

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Training preachers in the rural villages of Africa

17 December 2018

This Christmas season, we want to bring to your attention areas in the world where Biblical preaching resources are extremely scarce – such as the rural parts of Zimbabwe. Langham Preaching has been operating in Zimbabwe for ten years. But the team realised their impact was hindered by only having English resources. Many people in…

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Finding hidden treasure in Bolivia

3 December 2018

Last month, 68 people gathered in Bolivia for a Langham Preaching event to discover the hidden treasures of the parables. The attendees included key people in the Preaching Clubs from six different cities across Bolivia. Preaching Clubs (or escuelitas) are small groups of preachers who meet regularly. These meetings take place throughout the year, between…

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