We Train Pastors

Pastors are the backbone of the global church. Biblical leaders are essential in the growth of new Christians. That is why we prioritise training pastors to shepherd God's flock in places characterised by poverty, pressure, and persecution.

How It Works

We've created a proven pipeline to take those with a calling for leadership and train them with the knowledge and resources they need to become pastors in their communities. Our program is designed to support pastors and ensure they are able to go back and continue to further the kingdom.

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Regional Pastor Training

Pastors travel to annual one-week Langham training seminars to meet and learn how to study God's Word.

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Local Preaching Circle

After the seminar, each pastor returns to their community and forms a Preaching Circle with nearby pastors and lay people for ongoing training and support.

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Growing Churches

This is the real work of pastors - teaching the Bible, biblically shepherding local believers to grow in their faith, and sharing the gospel with the lost in their community.

Where do we work?

Langham is active in more than 130 countries throughout Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and the Pacific. Browse the map below and discover the scope of Langham's work.


Ways to Give

Help us train pastors to grow new communities in Christ! You can give online, via Direct Debit and mail, through gifts in wills and more. Your generosity can change lives and communities across the globe. Explore all the ways to donate below.


Perspectives from Around the World

Hear unique stories of transformation from our partners around the world by exploring our Global Voices hub. Each article, video and resource provides a glimpse into the life-changing work made possible through your support.


Peter Mwaw

Langham Trained Pastor

Langham-trained pastor Peter Mwaw, pictured at left, began preaching the scriptures and providing biblical, relevant solutions to local issues. Today, the church, Africa Brotherhood Church, is growing in maturity and reaching out as salt and light in their community of Katani.

Through Pastor Mwaw and his church, the community is transforming:

    • People are more peaceful


    • New people are coming to Christ


    • Young people are attending the church


    • Orphans were adopted