The third annual ‘Langham Preaching Sunday in Africa’ took place on Zoom at the end of June, with nearly 200 people from across the continent attending.

The event (in English and French) highlighted John Stott’s centenary and gave updates about Langham Preaching’s impact in Africa.
Femi Adeleye, Director for Langham Preaching Africa, outlined aspects that he is thankful to God for this year.
These included: unique partnerships with local churches; preaching clubs that are able to connect with each other despite Covid-19; and theological institutions that have invited Langham Preaching to help equip their students.
Grateful for Langham’s influence
Testimonies were shared about the impact John Stott and Langham Preaching have had across Africa for more than a decade.
Bishop Martin Breytenbach, from Limpopo South Africa, spoke about being grateful for Langham Preaching’s influence in his region.
For example, as a result of Langham Preaching training, pastors in his diocese were able to apply the word of God to issues discussed at a Synod. They could discern truth from falsehood.
Equipping pastors

And the Archbishop of DR Congo and Brazzaville, The Most Rev Masimango Katanda Zakari, thanked Langham Preaching for equipping pastors who are unable to attend theological college.
You can watch his video testimony that was shown during the Zoom call.
The new International Director of Langham Partnership Rev Tayo Arikawe also addressed the meeting. He gave thanks to God for the continuity of the life and legacy of John Stott in Africa.
He added that the West is now seeing the impact of John Stott’s ministry in Africa, in what is called ‘reverse mission’.
Unity emphasised
Oboletswe Matlhaope, who is the General Secretary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa and a Langham Graduate, brought an exhortation from John 17.
He emphasised the need for unity, based on the oneness of Jesus with the Father. He also spoke about faith in Jesus irrespective of cultural and linguistic differences.
Uncle Emmanuel Oladipo, one of the pioneers of Langham Preaching in Africa, closed the meeting in prayer.
The next ‘Langham Preaching Sunday in Africa’ will be held on 22 June 2022.
Watch Jonathan Lamb (Minister-at-large, Keswick Ministries) in conversation with Emeka Egbo (Associate Director for Langham Preaching Africa). During this Langham Live Zoom call recording, they discuss how Emeka came to be involved in Langham Preaching and the impact of Covid-19 in the last 18 months.