Langham Scholar Guillermo Velilla, from Colombia, is currently studying for a PhD at the University of Oxford.
Back in November, Guillermo joined over 70 supporters and staff for a special event in Carlisle to mark the close of the Magnify fundraising campaign. As part of the day, he shared about his studies and gave points for prayer.
Q: What are you studying and what do you hope to do when you return home?
I am currently doing a PhD at the University of Oxford and the long-term desire is to go back to Colombia and do theological education at a Christian seminary in Medellín, training pastors and leaders with the aim of enabling them to do ministry at the church.
Q: What does Langham mean to you?
Langham is a crucial partner in the realisation of this project of training pastors and leaders in my own context.
Q: What is it like to be a Langham Scholar?

Being a Scholar is a journey in which you have both opportunities to grow and enrich your life with knowledge and just opportunities to grow as well. You also face challenges where you have forming experiences that shape your character and your views and your perspective. So I think it’s a journey where you have both opportunities to learn but also opportunities to be challenged in different ways.
Q: How can supporters pray for you?
Please pray that I may use my skills and the knowledge that I’m learning that I may use them for the service of the Church in Latin America and in doing so glorify God’s name.