‘Preaching App leads to well-crafted sermons’

Shearsby Mupfudzapake is Langham Preaching’s movement coordinator in South Africa. Shearsby is a pastor in Limpopo, a province bordering Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. He recently shared his thoughts about the Langham Preaching App:

“We are grateful for such a useful tool. The App helps me to organise my thoughts, as per bible passages, leading into well-crafted sermon outlines.”

In 2017, Shearsby joined many other Langham Preaching team members from across Africa to take part in a consultation in Ghana. There he explained the benefits of Langham Preaching for his region:

There are plans afoot to translate the App into Amharic, an Ethiopian language, as many pastors there want to use it. Please pray for these plans!

If you are not already supporting the Langham Preaching App, please consider making a donation. It doesn’t matter how much you give!


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