The Growing Preaching Movement in Cambodia

“Churches live, grow and flourish by the Word of God, and they languish and die without it…whenever the Word of God is faithfully expounded and applied, congregations grow in both size and depth.” John Stott Each month, Langham Preaching seminars are run around the world, equipping God’s people to better read, interpret and teach the…

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Tackling illiteracy to bring the Gospel to Kenya

Mercy Ireri

“You’re 12, you’re old enough to share your testimony of salvation” – my father said to me out of the blue one Saturday evening, to my astonishment, as I had little personal faith at the time. After that conversation, I realised that if I was going to take faith seriously and talk to people about…

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Supported and equipped to reach the lost in their language

George Mutuku

Dr. George Mbithi Mutuku is a former Langham Scholar and has recently taken a job with DOOR International. DOOR (Deaf Opportunity Out Reach) partners with Deaf believers worldwide to translate scripture to their heart sign language. Their vision is that every deaf person is transformed by knowing, following, and serving God. The opportunity to study…

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‘Thrilling time’ for Langham Preaching in Turkey

Langham Preaching in Turkey

Turkey is a beautiful country, lying in both Asia and Europe, and culturally drawing elements from the East and the West.  Believers there are very much in the minority and face many challenges. Statistics reveal that just 0.04 percent of the population are biblical Christians (source: But Langham Preaching has had a postive impact…

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Transformational training for 87 pastors in Ghana

“This training will impact my life and ministry”… “The group work opened my eyes”… “My sermons will be properly prepared”… “I have been transformed by this training”. These are just some of the extremely positive comments made by those who attended in-person preaching training in Accra, Ghana last month. Langham partnered with ‘Global Evangelical Church’…

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Stepping up to train others in the South Pacific

“At first, when Covid-19 struck, I thought it meant the suspension of Langham Preaching in the South Pacific”, writes Stephen Williams, Langham Preaching‘s Regional Coordinator for the South Pacific. “In a sense I was right: all training cancelled; a ‘line-up’ meeting in Tonga postponed and, in Australia, the second training of Aboriginal preachers stopped. It…

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New solar-powered tech brings training to rural Zimbabwe

Langham Preaching is partnering with Harare Theological College to provide an innovative solution to costly or non-existent internet connections in Zimbabwe. Even before the Covid pandemic struck, the Langham Preaching team were exploring ways to reach rural communities where electricity supply and connectivity is poor. John Bell, Zimbabwe’s movement coordinator, explained how the new technology…

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Cambodia: Training held entirely in Khmer language for first time

Over 40 people escaped to the Cambodian countryside in February for a unique Langham Preaching training event. International trainers could not fly in due to the pandemic. So the Level 3 seminar was taught completely in the Khmer language. Normally simultaneous interpretation is used, which can be problematic. Sin Somnang, Cambodia’s Langham Preaching coordinator, and…

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“Praise God for this new form of training!”

Langham’s work training and resourcing pastors around the world has adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic. In many cases, seminars are taking place over virtual platforms. Last year, a new group of 30 pastors in a sensitive region of South Asia began training with Langham. We praise God that these pastors were able to gather virtually. Their local pastor…

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