Pray for Langham’s long-term fruitful impact in Austria

But Mark Meynell, Langham Preaching Director (Europe and Caribbean), has pointed out that “depth in ministry is more important than size”. He added: “Far better to have biblical convictions and faithful practices deeply ingrained in someone’s life than huge crowds showing initial enthusiasm and then falling away. This is something the Lord Jesus insisted on in…

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Langham trains 14-yr-old ‘future church leader’ in Lesotho

14-year-old Lipallo was one of a few young people who attended a Level 1 Langham Preaching training event in Maseru, Lesotho, for the first time in May. He attended with his mum and a few others from his church.  Joseph Morenammele, Langham Preaching’s coordinator for Lesotho, commented that Lipallo “surprised all the participants”. He “amazed”…

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Pray for West Africa coordinator Roland Tamini

    I grew up in a non-practicing Catholic family. I had a relatively happy childhood until a crisis occurred between my parents. They eventually separated, and I was deeply affected. I was so angry and bitter against my parents that I became a rebellious teenager. When I got to high school, one of my…

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‘Thrilling time’ training preachers in Georgia

    Last month Mark Meynell, Preaching Director for Europe and Caribbean, trained 30 preachers in Georgia during his first ever visit to the country. Mark writes: “Georgia is the second ex-Soviet country that I am now working in, and it is interesting to discern how much overlap there is with Ukraine. “One thing that struck me…

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Liberated from occult influences in Central Asia

Tina* is a Langham Preaching facilitator from a country in Central Asia. She has shared her fascinating life story for a ‘Preaching Postcard’: How did Jesus find you? I grew up in an atheist society where we were taught that there was no God. Even though I was an atheist, my mother would always say…

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Transformed: communist atheist to preacher and evangelist

Slavko Hadžić became a Christian during war in former Yugoslavia in the early 90s, having grown up as a communist atheist. He is now Langham Preaching’s coordinator for West Balkans & North Adriatic and lives in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Slavko shared how God changed his life at LPUKI’s Vision Day in February: He said: “In 1992,…

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Pray for Langham Preaching in the South Pacific

When you hear “Fiji”, your first thought might be a tourist destination with stunning beaches and constant sunshine. But last month, sun-bathing was out of the question for over 50 people who attended Langham Preaching training. Retired minister Stephen Williams and Revd Andy Shudall were among the trainers who led one group through the first…

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‘Preaching App leads to well-crafted sermons’

Shearsby Mupfudzapake is Langham Preaching’s movement coordinator in South Africa. Shearsby is a pastor in Limpopo, a province bordering Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. He recently shared his thoughts about the Langham Preaching App: “We are grateful for such a useful tool. The App helps me to organise my thoughts, as per bible passages, leading into…

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Langham Preaching in Sierra Leone ‘is bearing fruit’

Chris Jonah, Langham Preaching’s Movement Coordinator in Sierra Leone, shares his end of year report: “We praise God for the ministry of Langham Preaching in Sierra Leone. This report highlights how we sought to achieve our key objectives and some of the high points. “Our drive to train Preachers Club leaders and revive dormant groups continues.…

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Training preachers in the rural villages of Africa

This Christmas season, we want to bring to your attention areas in the world where Biblical preaching resources are extremely scarce – such as the rural parts of Zimbabwe. Langham Preaching has been operating in Zimbabwe for ten years. But the team realised their impact was hindered by only having English resources. Many people in…

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