Slavko Hadžić became a Christian during war in former Yugoslavia in the early 90s, having grown up as a communist atheist. He is now Langham Preaching’s coordinator for West Balkans & North Adriatic and lives in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Slavko shared how God changed his life at LPUKI’s Vision Day in February:
He said: “In 1992, when I was 23 years old, war started in my country and it was a time of great confusion for me. I’m coming from mixed marriage, my mother was one nationality, father the other nationality, and war was between those two nationalities. I was supposed to choose one side and to fight against half of my family – so that was the time when I prayed first time in my life, it was a short prayer. I prayed ‘God if you exist, please help me now and show me what to do’.
“So it took me a few years from that first prayer, God answered that first prayer and took a few years answered prayers, of hanging around with Christians, starting to read Gospels, understanding intellectually what Christianity is, what Jesus did for me, to come to the place to accept Jesus as the Lord and Saviour and to become Christian and His disciple.

Slavko Hadžić leading a Langham Preaching seminary in Serbia in 2017.
‘I surrendered my will to His’
“After that first prayer, I left Bosnia & Herzegovina, ended up on Cyprus, where I was living three years during the time of the war. Through that time I came to faith, I became Christian and I committed myself and my wife that we will never return to Bosnia & Herzegovina because we were so hurt by the war and we just didn’t want to go back and our kids to grow up in possibility of some future war or conflict.
“But then when I became Christian, I started feeling that God was clearly speaking to me that He wants me to go back to tell my people about His love and what He did, what He accomplished on the cross. So I came to the point, my will or His will, and I surrendered my will to His, so some 20 years ago we returned to Bosnia & Herzegovina, and since then we live there and minister to the people of my country.
Slavko also talked about the church situation in his home country. Before the war, the church was very small but during that time an “awakening” happened. Slavko says that still today born again Christians in Bosnia & Herzegovina are a “small minority”.
“We are really in the need of your prayers and in need of revival, so the number of Christians is growing but it is still a big work.”

Slavko Hadžić speaking at the LPUKI Vision Day in February.
Please pray
Please pray for Slavko’s ministry in Bosnia & Herzegovina as he shares the good news of Jesus Christ with broken people.
Pray also for Slavko’s work for Langham Preaching – he said: “Biblical preaching is transforming lives of the individuals, and transformed individuals means transformed churches, transformed churches are bringing transformation to the cities and to the nations.
“Langham Partnership plays an important role in the growth of God’s kingdom.”
You can watch another video about Slavko’s testimony and listen to his full presentation at LPUKI’s Vision Day.