Every church deserves a well-equipped pastor

80% of pastors in the Majority World lack any formal training. We equip pastors around the world to preach God's Word because this is how God changes lives and communities.

Transforming communities with deeper discipleship

Our work is focused on where the context of the church is characterised by poverty, pressure, and potential. We help local churches become deeply rooted in God's Word so they can provide biblical solutions that address local issues.


We nurture indigenous pastor training so church leaders can faithfully preach God's Word.


We equip theological leaders to oversee training efforts in their countries.


We produce resources by local leaders to help pastors better understand the Bible.


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Latest News

Isobel Stevenson writers workshop Ethiopia June 2017

Equipping editors ‘critical’ for publishing Majority World resources

18 June 2019

    Langham Literature’s Isobel Stevenson shares her experience in equipping writers and editors… “In late October 2017, I reluctantly set off to Sri Lanka. It was not that I had any objections to going there, but the workshop at the Colombo Theological Seminary (CTS) dovetailed with my commitments in other parts of the world.…

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A passion for transformation across Africa

18 June 2019

Langham Scholar Dr Sunday Agang has a passion to see Christians in his native Nigeria equipped to live with bold faith that brings the Gospel outside of the church and seminary walls and into society. Nigeria is ranked #12 on Open Doors’ list of the top 50 countries where persecution is very high. He says Christianity…

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Liberated from occult influences in Central Asia

11 June 2019

Tina* is a Langham Preaching facilitator from a country in Central Asia. She has shared her fascinating life story for a ‘Preaching Postcard’: How did Jesus find you? I grew up in an atheist society where we were taught that there was no God. Even though I was an atheist, my mother would always say…

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