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Latest News

Chris Wright’s Word on the World: ‘Though the earth give way’

15 May 2018

I read in the New York Times some weeks ago that there are increasing numbers of young couples getting married with the intention of not having children. And their decision is not a selfish one, to spare themselves the enormous task and cost of parenting, but in many cases a sad and joyless one. The reason they…

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‘I was truly privileged to stay at Tyndale House’

27 April 2018

Langham Scholar Oboletswe Matlhaope is studying for a PhD at North West University, South Africa, and is from Botswana. From September to December last year, Oboletswe stayed at Tyndale House, Cambridge, in Langham’s dedicated bed-sitting study room. He is so grateful for his time there, and has expressed his “deepest gratitude” for being able to study…

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“CEEBC meeting was an eye-opening experience”

27 April 2018

The editorial group for the Central Eastern European Bible Commentary (CEEBC) met in Wroclaw, Poland, in the week of November 20-25. It was their third planning meeting, in a series of continuing efforts to prepare the ground for the production of a Bible Commentary that would reflect and respond to the needs of Christian churches…

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